Wageningen 2025: a Workshop on CFD in Ship Hydrodynamics

International workshops on numerical methods in ship viscous flow have been held regularly over a long period of time. The workshops were held in 1980 (G), 1990 (G), 1994 (T), 2000 (G), 2005 (T), 2010 (G) and 2015 (T) in Gothenburg (G) and Tokyo (T). This website outlines the next workshop in the series, hosted by the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) and to be held in Wageningen. Initially, the aim was to have the next workshop in 2020, but due to SIMMAN activities and the worldwide pandemic, this was unfeasible, and a rescheduling was needed. The organization has now decided to host the workshop in the fall of 2025, from Monday November 17th to Wednesday 19th. As before, the objective is to assess state-of-the-art CFD methods for ship hydrodynamics using several well specified test cases, to aid physical understanding and code development and to strengthen the reliability of CFD for ship design and evaluation.

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Teams environment for submitters and JBC instructions

On behalf of the Steering Committee, we are happy to inform you that the instructions for the JBC test case on turbulence are now available on the website: Japan Bulk Carrier (JBC) – Turbulent Wake. The test case organizers are still working on details of the instructions, but interested parties can already read the instructions, prepare meshes, set-up their calculations and do initial calculations. In case of questions, they can be asked by email to the organizers.

MARIN has also set-up a Microsoft Teams environment for people who intend to submit results. Please see the Instructions page for details. This environment will be used to collect data, and can be used to exchange details about the workshop cases.

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