Participants are invited to submit results for the following test cases:- Japan Bulk Carrier (JBC) – Turbulent Wake
- Korean Container Ship (KCS) – Wave Breaking
- ONR Tumblehome (ONRT) – Course Keeping in Waves
- JoRes1 Tanker – Full Scale Powering Performance
- Nawigator XXI – Cavitation
Each participant/institution is requested to submit a paper which documents specific details of their calculation(s). Separate papers may be submitted for each test case, but also one paper combining the calculations for several cases is permitted. However, each paper should not exceed 8 pages. Papers will not be presented at the workshop, but will be included in the proceedings.
A Word template is provided: Word Paper Template
Each participant/institution is requested to submit a poster which presents specific details of their case setup. Separate posters should be submitted for each test case. Template size of the poster is B3 format (500 mm x 353 mm). Posters will be displayed in enlarged format during the workshop and can be discussed during breaks. A4 sized versions of the posters will be included in the proceedings.
A Powerpoint template is provided: Powerpoint Poster Template