Update of ONRT propeller and shaft geometry
For everyone doing the ONRT – Course Keeping in Waves case: improved geometry files have been uploaded to the website. Notable changes are the diameter of the propeller and a modification of the shaft bossing diameter and better transition between the shaft bossing and upstream part of the shaft. All other
Updated Instructions for Nawigator XXI test case
The instructions for the Nawigator XXI – Cavitation test case have been updated with “Propeller geometry for open water” file. Please see Nawigator XXI – Cavitation.
Teams environment for submitters and JBC instructions
On behalf of the Steering Committee, we are happy to inform you that the instructions for the JBC test case on turbulence are now available on the website: Japan Bulk Carrier (JBC) – Turbulent Wake. The test case organizers are still working on details of the instructions, but interested parties can
JBC Turbulence instructions available
The instructions for the JBC Turbulence test case have been uploaded to the website, see Japan Bulk Carrier (JBC) – Turbulent Wake…
Instructions for submission of results updated
The instructions on the submission of results have been updated. Please go to Instructions for more information.
Save the Date!
On behalf of the Steering Committee, we can inform you that the date for the Wageningen 2025 Workshop on CFD in Ship Hydrodynamics has been set! The workshop will be held from Monday November 17th to Wednesday November 19th at Hotel De Wageningsche Berg, in Wageningen, The Netherlands. Four of the
Updated Instructions for JoRes1 and Nawigator
Already some CFD experts are setting up their cases and have encountered possibilities for improvements in our case instructions. For the JoRes1 and Nawigator test cases, updates of the instructions are therefore available. We are grateful for the feedback and hope it will help others to successfully set up their cases.
First test cases ready
I am pleased to inform you that the first cases for the Workshop are available online! The instructions for the following cases are available and ready for setting up your calculations: KRISO Container Ship (KCS) – Wave Breaking: https://w2025.nl/instructions/kriso-container-ship-kcs/ JoRes1 Tanker – Full Scale: https://w2025.nl/instructions/jores1-tanker-full-scale-powering-performance/ Nawigator XXI – Cavitation: https://w2025.nl/instructions/nawigator-xxi-cavitation/ We
Third Announcement
On behalf of the Steering Committee, I wish to inform you about our progress in the organization of the Wageningen 2025 Workshop on CFD in Ship Hydrodynamics, as first announced in ITTC News No. 65 (2nd ed.), November 2016. The workshop (W2025) will be hosted by the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands